Sunday, May 8, 2016

Circuit Board

This is the unit 2 action project for my Urban Planning class. Unit 2 was titled Power. Throughout the unit, students played the role of an electrician and studied the math and science concepts related to electricity. We studied the role of power historically as well as the current need for alternative solutions. The class used Chicago’s relation to the War of Currents to learn about the early years of electricity. The second half of the unit primarily focused on how we can use less electricity and how energy efficient homes and communities are structured. The action project asked students to create a functioning parallel circuit which would then be used as a model for an energy efficient and eco-friendly home in which each resistor represented a different feature of the house. I really enjoyed this project because it allowed me to use the math and science I learned in the unit to create a functioning circuit as well as my creativity which I used as the basis for creating an imaginary eco-friendly home. This was an amazing project that I’m very proud of!

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