Paul Ryan
1233 Longworth HOB
Washington, D.C. 20515
GCE Lab School
1535 N. Dayton
Chicago, IL 60642
April 27, 2016
1233 Longworth HOB
Washington, D.C. 20515
Dear Mr. Speaker,
The United States’ use of both nuclear and fossil energy have detrimental effects on the global climate. The ways in which we currently power our society don’t align or correspond to the needs of the environment and climate. Our country's unsustainable and inefficient energy policies are contributing to a world that is undergoing severe destruction. Our current policies have failed to create energy production, storage, and distribution systems that work effectively to fulfil society's energy needs while remaining conscientious of the environment and climate. It is time for us to collectively recognize the damage we’ve caused and work towards investing and building a prosperous future for both the environment and society. Speaker Ryan, I am asking for your support as well as advocacy in congress for the Energy Policy Modernization Act of 2016. The country’s current energy policies have negative impacts on the climate, yet efficient and sustainable options are available. Fortunately the Energy Policy Modernization Act of 2016 lays the groundwork for modernizing our country's energy systems. As speaker, your support of the bill will greatly increase its chances of a vote in the House, thus raising its chances of becoming enacted.
Currently, the United States’ primary source of energy is fossil fuels, which account for nearly 70% of all the electricity generated. The burning of fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas, and petroleum emits carbon dioxide, which plays an integral role in global warming. Nuclear energy is dirty, dangerous, and expensive. The radioactive waste produced by nuclear reactors is extremely hazardous and can leak radiations which can cause issues for both the air and water systems. Nuclear energy requires uranium which is a scarce resource. Scientists estimate there is less than a 200 year supply of uranium left. There is no place for nuclear energy in a safe, clean, and sustainable future. In addition to laying the framework for minimizing energy productions negative impact on the environment, the bill it also raises conversation of the social and economic risks our nation faces as a result of our current system. The bill would create programs whose main focus would be improving energy systems in order to address the threat of cyber attack on the nation’s electrical grid. The technological era we live in has created the ability for people to do harm on a scale previously unimaginable. A U.S. official was quoted saying, “cyberwarfare can be used to disable the U.S. power grid. U.S. systems aren't any more protected than those breached in Ukraine.”
I’m reaching out to you Mr. Speaker in order to express a very real fear I posses. The way we as a nation are currently operating can not be sustained. Temperatures are rising, forests are being destroyed, and the air and water is becoming increasingly polluted while we continue to just do our thing. It’s our obligation to recognize the current state we’re in and make a conscious decision on how we want to proceed into the future. I am passionate about taking the next step into the future but want to do so in a way that works for everyone and everything. My right as a citizen of this nation to openly advocate and support policy along with my passion to want to continue humanity and and the well being of planet earth has caused me to try and get through to you in order to convey this message. I believe this bill is in everyone's best interest and feel as if it needs to be passed and become a law. A major opposition towards this bill comes as a result of the money involved with the systems and processes being reviewed and revised. The fossil fuel and nuclear industries are ginormous conglomerates that possess large amounts of money as well lobby over congress. They are at the top of the power structure consequently making them the ones most fearful and opposed to a change.
The enactment of this policy will propel us forward on our collective mission towards forming a sustainable and prosperous planet. This is a moral and ethical decision rather than an economic one. Its implementation will mark the beginning of a well awaited response to nature's cries. Our planet has suffered enough and will be unable to sustain us and our lifestyles if we continue to neglect its needs. As a young adult who is apart of this upcoming generation, I want to establish a set of policies that I know will protect our planet. I want planet earth’s longevity to be maximized and will to do everything in my control to minimize humans negative impact. I’m asking you to join the fight for humanity and planet earth. I’m calling upon you Mr. Speaker for your action as an influencer and constituent. Please take into consideration the fragile state we are all in and the direction we’re heading. Our futures can be changed and our planet can be saved. The waiting must stop and action must begin. It is time to take control and reverse our course of action. I would like to conclude by thanking you for your time and thoughts. I hope you can take my words and use them as a source of motivation and drive for the enactment of this bill.
The United States’ use of both nuclear and fossil energy have detrimental effects on the global climate. The ways in which we currently power our society don’t align or correspond to the needs of the environment and climate. Our country's unsustainable and inefficient energy policies are contributing to a world that is undergoing severe destruction. Our current policies have failed to create energy production, storage, and distribution systems that work effectively to fulfil society's energy needs while remaining conscientious of the environment and climate. It is time for us to collectively recognize the damage we’ve caused and work towards investing and building a prosperous future for both the environment and society. Speaker Ryan, I am asking for your support as well as advocacy in congress for the Energy Policy Modernization Act of 2016. The country’s current energy policies have negative impacts on the climate, yet efficient and sustainable options are available. Fortunately the Energy Policy Modernization Act of 2016 lays the groundwork for modernizing our country's energy systems. As speaker, your support of the bill will greatly increase its chances of a vote in the House, thus raising its chances of becoming enacted.
Currently, the United States’ primary source of energy is fossil fuels, which account for nearly 70% of all the electricity generated. The burning of fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas, and petroleum emits carbon dioxide, which plays an integral role in global warming. Nuclear energy is dirty, dangerous, and expensive. The radioactive waste produced by nuclear reactors is extremely hazardous and can leak radiations which can cause issues for both the air and water systems. Nuclear energy requires uranium which is a scarce resource. Scientists estimate there is less than a 200 year supply of uranium left. There is no place for nuclear energy in a safe, clean, and sustainable future. In addition to laying the framework for minimizing energy productions negative impact on the environment, the bill it also raises conversation of the social and economic risks our nation faces as a result of our current system. The bill would create programs whose main focus would be improving energy systems in order to address the threat of cyber attack on the nation’s electrical grid. The technological era we live in has created the ability for people to do harm on a scale previously unimaginable. A U.S. official was quoted saying, “cyberwarfare can be used to disable the U.S. power grid. U.S. systems aren't any more protected than those breached in Ukraine.”
I’m reaching out to you Mr. Speaker in order to express a very real fear I posses. The way we as a nation are currently operating can not be sustained. Temperatures are rising, forests are being destroyed, and the air and water is becoming increasingly polluted while we continue to just do our thing. It’s our obligation to recognize the current state we’re in and make a conscious decision on how we want to proceed into the future. I am passionate about taking the next step into the future but want to do so in a way that works for everyone and everything. My right as a citizen of this nation to openly advocate and support policy along with my passion to want to continue humanity and and the well being of planet earth has caused me to try and get through to you in order to convey this message. I believe this bill is in everyone's best interest and feel as if it needs to be passed and become a law. A major opposition towards this bill comes as a result of the money involved with the systems and processes being reviewed and revised. The fossil fuel and nuclear industries are ginormous conglomerates that possess large amounts of money as well lobby over congress. They are at the top of the power structure consequently making them the ones most fearful and opposed to a change.
The enactment of this policy will propel us forward on our collective mission towards forming a sustainable and prosperous planet. This is a moral and ethical decision rather than an economic one. Its implementation will mark the beginning of a well awaited response to nature's cries. Our planet has suffered enough and will be unable to sustain us and our lifestyles if we continue to neglect its needs. As a young adult who is apart of this upcoming generation, I want to establish a set of policies that I know will protect our planet. I want planet earth’s longevity to be maximized and will to do everything in my control to minimize humans negative impact. I’m asking you to join the fight for humanity and planet earth. I’m calling upon you Mr. Speaker for your action as an influencer and constituent. Please take into consideration the fragile state we are all in and the direction we’re heading. Our futures can be changed and our planet can be saved. The waiting must stop and action must begin. It is time to take control and reverse our course of action. I would like to conclude by thanking you for your time and thoughts. I hope you can take my words and use them as a source of motivation and drive for the enactment of this bill.
"The Hidden Cost of Fossil Fuels." Union of Concerned Scientists. Web. 28 Apr. 2016.
"Nuclear Energy." Greenpeace USA Nuclear Energy Comments. Web. 28 Apr. 2016.
Davenport, Coral. "Senate Begins Debate on Comprehensive Bipartisan Energy Bill." The New York Times. The New York Times, 2016. Web. 28 Apr. 2016.
"Summaries for the Energy Policy Modernization Act of 2016." Web. 28 Apr. 2016.
"U.S. Energy Information Administration - EIA - Independent Statistics and Analysis."What Is U.S. Electricity Generation by Energy Source? Web. 28 Apr. 2016.
"First on CNN: U.S. Investigators Find Proof of Cyberattack on Ukraine Power Grid." CNN. Cable News Network. Web. 28 Apr. 2016.